Dear Student,
Greetings and Good Wishes from MEFFMH.

Thank you for choosing to embark on this exciting journey with us.

We congratulate you on your right choice. MEFFMH, has been consistently working for providing mental health awareness and counselling training programs for the past 16 years. The foundation was the brain child of Late. Dr. K. A. Ashok Pai, psychiatrist, entrepreneur , litterateur, movie maker and thinker.

These courses were started with the idea of creating a set of professionals who could effectively help in providing emotional first aid to those in need. In these times of stress and emotional upheavals, Dr. Pai felt that mental health is a necessity rather than a luxury. We are both delighted and humbled by the number of graduates who have been part of this course and are now excellent counselors in varied walks of life.

The courses have been created to meet international academic standards, but at the same time are accessible to all those who desire to learn. We at Manasa, are committed to the cause and vision of Dr. Pai. We sincerely hope that you enjoy being a part of this course as much as we enjoy having you on board.

Welcome to the MANASA family.


Dr. Ashok Pai

We welcome you to a rewarding and fruitful association with Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health a part of Manasa Trust. The mission of the Foundation is to create awareness about mental health and to train as large a number of individuals as possible who can play a supportive role in mental health care. The Foundation is offering Post Graduate courses in some of the most relevant areas of counseling. The courses have syllabi designed by the leading experts in the field and are supported by tailor-made scholarly institutional material. In the orientation programme the Foundation facilities students to interact with the finest experts in the field. The courses were a brain child of the Late. Dr. Kateel Ashok Pai, the founder of manasa, who believed that good mental health should a necessity not a luxury.

The courses were started with the idea of creating a set of professionals who would be capable of providing emotional first aid to the population in need. We are happy that the courses have become very popular and have setup a new trend in Mental Health education.

Manasa is now offering and internship programme to provide intensive training in counseling. The objective of the Manasa Foundation is to offer courses which meet international academic standards and are at the same time accessible to a large target group of professionals, teachers, graduates and house-wives who may not have had the opportunity to do a regular course in the university.

We at Manasa are committed to the cause and vision of our late founder and promise to make mental health education priority. We are determined to bring post graduation education in mental health to your doorsteps. We sincerely believe that mental health is everybody’s concern. Congratulations on your right choice.

Be with us.


Dr. Rajani. A. Pai

Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health, Shivamogga

Deputy Director

Dr. Vaman. M. Shanbhag

Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health, Shivamogga

Academic Director

Dr. Preethi V. Shanbhag

Congratulations to Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health for its academic accomplishment of successfully conducting diploma courses in counselling and various other courses for a decade now. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bengaluru, is proud to be associated with the Foundation in helping to create a whole stream of qualified mental health professionals who in turn can help to create a society of emotionally well balanced individuals. A mentally sturdy society is crucial not only to improve sociological development, but for economic prosperity too. Manasa Trust, the parent organisation of the Foundation, founded by Dr. K.A. Ashok Pai, is synonymous with creating awareness of mental health throughout Karnataka. The removal of the stigma attached to various mental health problems is one of the main achievements of Manasa Trust, which is into counselling and rehabilitation as its motto, as much as into the curative aspect of mental health problems.

In today’s strife torn world, what is most required is stability of mind and emotional strength to meet life’s vicissitudes with a healthy sense of challenge. Bhavan and Manasa Trust are together in attempting to provide high-quality, cost effective mental health care to all, especially the underprivileged; for we believe that an emotionally healthy society is a happy society, beginning from the individual level.

I wish the students and the staff all the best for the coming academic year.

Director, BVB, Bengaluru

H.N. Suresh

Dear Aspirant,

At the outset let me welcome you to the family of MEFFMH. The good old saying, ‘Knowledge is Power’, is as true as the fact that there is no age bar to learn. More than necessity, it is curiosity that kindles the light of knowledge. Most of our students are well settled and are from different walks of life. It is the sheer desire and enthusiasm to learn that has brought you here.

I assure you that the degree that you obtain here is not just one more qualification . We have a band of committed staff and supportive management and we are equipped with all the academic material and competence required. We impart updated counselling theories and practice skills with dedication and individual care. I wish you all the best.

Coordinator, MEFFMH, Shivamogga

Dr. Sandhyakaveri

The Courses in Counselling offered by Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health are designed to meet an urgent need of our society and our times. The need is for trained and motivated counsellors who can lend a helping hand in providing guidance and relief to individuals who experience stress, especially in a society in transition like ours. It is a misconception that psychological counseling can be provided by only medically trained professionals. There are many areas of mental health in which a trained counselor can play a useful role. In addition, most of us as parents, teachers, colleagues and mentors are required to play the traditional role of a counselor but without the scientic understanding of what it involves. These courses are meant to impart skills and the essential knowledge required for counselling.

It should also be remembered that there are large numbers of motivated learners outside the regular academic institutions who want to acquire a competent understanding of mental health issues. These courses, offered in the distance mode have already attracted learners from various professions with varied educational backgrounds. MEFFMH has over the years developed peer – approved course content and has a pool of resource persons to teach the courses. I would like to complement MEFFMH for taking up a socially useful academic endeavor and executing it with a high degree of excellence.

The Late Dr. K.A. Ashok Pai who dedicated his life to the propagation of mental health awareness in Karnataka and in India, brought together leading experts in the eld to design the courses and develop the course content. The courses broke new ground in the area of Mental Health and counselling. It is in the tness of things that now these courses are being offered in collaboration with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, a highly respected educational and cultural institution in India.

Renowned Writer & Literary Critic Director, Manasa Centre for Cultural Studies

Prof. Rajendra Chenni

I feel happy to compliment you on your decision to take up a course in counselling being offered by Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health. This is not an academic course merely; it is a meaningful step towards helping thousands of individuals who need able counselors to guide them. At a time when the academic courses offered by our universities are losing their usefulness and social relevance, counselling courses can lead students back to the community. There is need for all of us to work with missionary zeal to enhance awareness regarding mental health and to train a dedicated band of counselors. The counselling courses offered by Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health under the able guidance of Dr. K.A. Ashok Pai and Dr. Rajani A. Pai, pioneers in the field of mental health, have been designed to cater to the needs of our contemporary society.

I have known the Pai’s for over a decade now and have a lot of regard for their activities in the area of community mental health and also their successful efforts in putting Shimoga on the mental health map of India. Let the emphasis be on quality and commitment. I am happy to recommend the courses to you. Dr. Kiran Bedi, IPS (Retd.)
Ramon Magsaysay Awardee

Ramon Magsaysay Awardee

Dr. Kiran Bedi, IPS (Retd.)